"Ah Teori, gak penting!" , "Maaf saya kurang mengetahui teori, kalo untuk praktek saya hayo!"
Itu adalah beberapa jawaban yang mungkin dikemukanan jika anda ditanya tentang teori atas pemrograman yang kita tekuni. Bahkan pernah saya temui di test tertulis yang diadakan dikantor tempat saya bekerja.
Bener gak sih gak perlu memahami teori ? jawabannya adalah SALAH. Mengapa ? ok saya jelaskan dengan bahasa yang singkat dan mudah :).
Pernahkah kamu membantu saudara, atau orang tua memperbaiki mobil ? , Contoh cerita : Siboy membantu bapaknya memperbaiki mobil. Dalam keadaan berada dibawah mobil , bapak diboy bilang "Boy, tolong ambilkan kunci sok", lalu karena si boy tidak mau tau nama - nama alat siboy dengan sigap mengambil toolbox dan berkata "yang ini pak ?" untuk setiap alat yang dia tunjukan ke bapaknya.
Dicerita ini dapat kita tebak, bapaknya boy kemungkinan akan kesal karena setiap kali memperbaiki mobil si boy belum tahu juga nama - nama alat yang digunakan untuk memperbaiki mobil tersebut.
Nah, begitu pula dengan dunia pemrograman, sebagai programmer kita tidak bisa berlaku seperti siboy yang hanya bisa melakukan tanpa tahu nama alat - alatnya. Sehingga, pekerjaan yang seharusnya cepat menjadi lebih lama karena terkendala masalah komunikasi ini.
Selayaknya bayi yang menangis untuk minta diberi susu, tentu akan lebih efektif apabila bayi tersebut langsung bilang "Mama , minta susu!" haha.
Nah, gak mau dianggap seperti bayi ? belajarlah teori dan belajarlah menyampaikan ide - ide melalui kata - kata.
Happy Coding!
English Version (Raw)
"Ah theory, not important!" "Excuse my lack of knowing the theory, if for my practice behold!"
It was reported by several possible answers if you asked about the theory of programming that our field. In fact I have come across in the written test held at the office where I work.
Bener gak sih not need to understand the theory? the answer is WRONG. Why? ok me explain with a brief and simple language:).
Have you ever helped siblings, or parents to fix the car? , Sample stories: Siboy helping his father fix the car. In a state under the car, the father diboy say "Boy, bring me the key to tomorrow", and because the boy did not want to know the name - the name of the tool siboy swiftly took the toolbox and said "that this pack?" for every tool that he show to his father.
He told this may have guessed, his father boy will likely be annoyed because every time to fix the car the boy did not know the name - the name of the tool used to repair the car.
Well, so did the programming world, as programmers we can not act like siboy that can only be done without knowing the name of the tool - tools. Thus, the work which should quickly become longer because of constrained problems of this communication.
Crying baby should be given to ask for milk, would be more effective if the baby just say 'Mama, want milk! " haha.
Well, do not want to be like a baby? learn the theory and learn to convey ideas - ideas through words - words.
Happy Coding!
It was reported by several possible answers if you asked about the theory of programming that our field. In fact I have come across in the written test held at the office where I work.
Bener gak sih not need to understand the theory? the answer is WRONG. Why? ok me explain with a brief and simple language:).
Have you ever helped siblings, or parents to fix the car? , Sample stories: Siboy helping his father fix the car. In a state under the car, the father diboy say "Boy, bring me the key to tomorrow", and because the boy did not want to know the name - the name of the tool siboy swiftly took the toolbox and said "that this pack?" for every tool that he show to his father.
He told this may have guessed, his father boy will likely be annoyed because every time to fix the car the boy did not know the name - the name of the tool used to repair the car.
Well, so did the programming world, as programmers we can not act like siboy that can only be done without knowing the name of the tool - tools. Thus, the work which should quickly become longer because of constrained problems of this communication.
Crying baby should be given to ask for milk, would be more effective if the baby just say 'Mama, want milk! " haha.
Well, do not want to be like a baby? learn the theory and learn to convey ideas - ideas through words - words.
Happy Coding!
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